Friday, February 25, 2011


I didn't really have any desire to see this but after reading some other reviews (blasphemy!) I thought, what the hell, it could be good. Never heard of the any of the cast or crew, except John Hawkes, he's been in all kinds of stuff and is a REALLY good character actor and he happens to be on one of my favorite shows, East Bound and Down.
I would be surprised if any of you have seen this movie because it's been pretty low on the radar. The story takes place in a pretty depressing world of meth heads, and the main girl is trying to find her dad but has to deal with all these fucking crazy druggies. There, I explained the plot. Obviously there's more to it than that but don't get too excited. This movie only frustrated me because the main character, played by Jennifer Lawrence who is actually a pretty decent actress, and she is supposedly this "strong woman" who is trying to raise her younger brother and sister, but lets these weak ass meth heads kick her ass!? Dude, just throw a rock at their fucking head and they'll hit the ground in an instant! Or hell, one swift kick to the junk!
She encounters one crazy, lifeless junkie after another and lets them scare her?? Move to a different fucking neighborhood! Why do you live around all these psychos?

I don't know, this movie didn't do it for me at all and to top it off, the ending was extremely boring. The only cool part, which I can't mention, happens and then you're like "Alright, why couldn't more crazy shit like that happen?" There needed to be more action because there was WAY too much build up. John Hawkes was badass, even though he was a junkie himself. The sheriff was alright, played by Garret Dillahunt.
If you guys see this, and that's a big IF, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. There just isn't much to take away from this movie and I certainly don't know why it's nominated for Best Picture. That's what happens when they have shit movies to choose from I guess. Except for a select few, which you will read about right here on Emoviereview, right? That's what I thought.


  1. I am forced to disagree, brother. This movie was truly beautiful in every way. The acting was superb, the plot, though simple, made for an excellent story, and most of all it was believable. If folks do PASS ON THIS ONE, they are missing out on one of the best films of 2010. A film that doesn't pretend to be any more than it is, a film that doesn't rely on big actors, flashy sets, shiny cars and cliche fast paced hip dialogue. This movie is one of a very few true cinematic masterpieces. Well deserving of a Best Picture nod, if not the win. E, watch it again. Watch it again and try to get past the flashy Hollywood bullshit you've been spoon fed to believe. Watch it as a film and not a movie.

  2. Since you put it that way Jeff, I will watch it again. I respect your opinion and it is definitely possible that I missed something. Sometimes I watch a movie and dislike it but then after another viewing I go "what the fuck was I thinking? This is amazing!" I probably focused too much on the plot, wanting to know where it was going. I definitely thought the acting was top notch and the look and feel of the movie was perfect for what it was.
