Friday, February 25, 2011


Considering the fact that I am not in my forties or fifties, I wasn't super stoked about seeing this movie. It's definitely one of those movies that was made specifically for an older yuppie crowd. I'm also certain that it was made to be an Oscar contender. You know how some movies are just automatically gonna make it to the nominees? Like anything with or directed by Clint Eastwood (except Hereafter). Orrrrr, anything that revolves around a dysfunctional family.
I'm sure you can already tell that I loved this movie, huh? Nope, I certainly DID NOT like this movie and that's not too say it was terrible and I have a lot of hatred towards it. I just wasn't the audience that this film was intended for. Mark Ruffalo, Annette Bening and Julianne Moore are great actors, obviously, and they did a good job (not great) but they let the one character that you like (or at least that I liked) go away and you're like "That's it? They're not coming back into the movie?" Granted, the story was more about Annette Bening and Juliane Moore's characters (they're lesbians) but I always believe that EVERY character should have an ending or at least be validated.
The kids in the movie, they're just all right. Hahaha, get it? Sorry, that was a shitty joke. Seriously though, they were just OK as far as acting goes. The chick from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, Mia Wasakowska is in this. It doesn't end badly, just boring, once again. I hate movies where you know the filmmaker WANTS you to laugh. Like when Annette Bening takes a sip of wine from her glass but then chugs it. That's when all the women in the audience that are around her age are like "hahahaha, oh man, I've so been there!" Nope, sorry, not funny and that shit has been done a bazillion times. I won't say that there are zero funny parts in this movie, but the parts that are SUPPOSED to be funny, outnumber the parts that actually ARE funny.

I apologize for bashing this movie, for those of you that have seen it and actually liked it. I've seen worse movies, I just wasn't a fan....obviously.
PASS ON THIS ONE! unless you're over 40

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