Saturday, February 26, 2011


I'm a sucker for these Pixar movies. Even though I don't have kids, I find them entertaining and funny. I loved the first and second Toy Story, but I would have to say that my favorite so far is The Incredibles. It was hilarious and badass at the same time! This Toy Story however, I didn't think it was as great as everyone has been saying. I thought it was just as good as the other two.

I really liked it, but I've people say that it's the best movie of the year and it made them cry?? I guess the scene at the end was a little emotional. I just wasn't blown away by this one and I'm sure a lot of you are going to disagree and give me shit for this, and that's totally fine. Maybe I'm way off on this one. I thought the story was a little weak. It could have been better for the millions AND MILLIONS (in The Rocks voice) of dollars that was paid to all those writers. John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton, they could BUY a country! If was that rich and had ALL the time in the world I wanted, I could have come up with something better.

You probably disagree with me on that too, but that's alright. Like I said, I didn't hate Toy Story 3, I just don't think it deserves the title of BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR or BEST COMEDY. The highlight of this movie for me was Michael Keaton as the voice of Ken. He should be in everything, honestly. I would love to see Keaton win an Oscar one day. Not for this movie, but for a dramatic or comedic role. He's awesome at both.
My final words on Toy Story 3 are that it's DEFINITELY worth adding to your bluray or regular DVD collection. Especially if you have kids, this is one that you'll enjoy with them.

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